Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I find myself again when I fall down at Your feet.

"My eyes betray me, reason escapes me. I find myself in the wilderness again. I believe some things, they can never change. It's good to know Your love is one of them. You said that I could never wear my welcome out." - Sanctuary by John Cox

It's not a good idea to wear shorts to the gym if your thighs rub together. It's uncomfortable, trust me. Also really annoying pulling them down every 3 seconds. Next time I shall wear longer shorts.

Next time being tomorrow.

I absolutely love this song. I've heard it over and over again, but the words never really sunk in. "All I have is Your grace and that's enough." how true is that? the title of this post also comes from the song. In fact, most of the titles of my posts come from one song or another. I am a music fiend. I think it might be borderline unhealthy. I get antsy if there's no music playing. Sometimes silence bothers me. Except when I'm sleeping. Then it's okay.

I saw something today that made me think. It said "Once you love someone, they're a part of you forever" and like so many other times, one specific relationship came to mind. Then I thought about it more, and I realized that it also includes friends and family. I can't begin to tell you how often I find myself doing something that I picked up from a friend. A certain phrase, or a facial expression, a hand movement, whatever. Some idiosyncrasy unique to one person or the other. All of a sudden I find myself doing the same thing. In a way, it's kind of comforting. Maybe I'm just weird.

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