Wednesday, August 30, 2006

God is just blessing me all over the place

so today was a busy one, and I'm not sure how long this post will be. Officially, my day didn't start until about noon. I got home about 20 minutes ago, maybe 30. I had class at 2, before that I went to the bookstore to pick up a few things. I bought earbuds for my ipod and Confessions of A Shopaholic, which I've been looking forward to reading for like a year now. I'm taking four classes this semester, and they seem pretty hard. I think I may drop one and take it when my course load isn't so bad. After class I had to run to wal-mart and pick up balloons for our welcome back party. That started at 7, and we left around 10. 7 of us went to Applebees for half-off appetizers. It was a great time. I pretty much love all the guys that we hung out with at Applebees. Of course, Caroline and I were the only girls, so it was pretty great. After that, four of us went back to the BCM to hang out for an hour or so. It was a pretty great day. I got called in to work, and I was gonna go. Then, I called the office and it turns out we had closed for the night, probably because of the storm, but probably also because no one came in. So I think maybe tomorrow after class I'll head over and try to get the early shift.

Tyler - if you still read this, I dunno. Thanks for the comment! I always love knowing that people are reading.

If anyone reads this (even if it's just once) leave a comment and let me know! I love feedback!

Lue - It's an awesome experience, and I'm so excited to be back in class! I hope things are going well for you and your family. Have you heard anything about that job interview?

Anyway, I guess that's it for tonight. I'm pretty tired and I have class in 9 hours.

1 comment:

CaroDonehew said...

Einstein... so that's an "I" right?