Sunday, August 27, 2006

I will praise You in this storm

I'm having a hard time finding the good in all of this. I just can't understand God's reasoning. I don't even know the reasoning, and to me it seems like there is none.

My brother is moving to Colorado. Indefinitely. And I just can't understand why. I won't go into too much detail, but suffice to say that his family out there are not good influences on him. I understand that he wants to spend time with them, especially since he's trying to get into the navy, but I honestly don't see how any good can come of this. I know he told me that he doesn't want to end up like his dad, and how he can always come home if he wants, but this just seems like a bad idea to me. I don't know if he has a good relationship with God, and I know for a fact that his dad doesn't. So I just don't see how this is going to help. I think, if anything, this will just prolong the amount of time that he doesn't have a relationship. I don't know, I'm just really upset about this. I feel like I'm being selfish, but I'm just so worried about him. I know that I don't always have the best relationship with my brother, but I love him and I would rather die than see him turn out like his father.

Oh, and I'm locked out of my bathroom.

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