Monday, August 21, 2006

I will take comfort in knowing that You are near me

It feels so good to be back. I miss my family, but I love it here. It's already starting to feel like home. I got to hang out with Caroline yesterday, and it was so much fun! We went to Late Nite last night, and I got to see most everyone. A lot of people aren't coming back until Wednesday, but that's the day after tomorrow so I'm pretty excited. I finally finished unpacking, and I semi-organized. I made a list of things that I'm gonna need to pick up soon. It's weird to think that classes start on monday. Good thing I reserved my books. I'm not quite sure what my plans are for tomorrow. I need to turn in my vaccination form thing to the student health center. Except I can do that next week while I'm over by the financial aid office.

Late Nite was amazing. I love that it turned into an impromptu worship service. I knew that there was a reason I went. It was just the best feeling in the world. Definitely a feeling that I've missed.

After Late Nite, we headed to walmart. Which is always and adventure, but last night was especially fun because we hadn't done it in forever.

Today I spent most of the day finishing unpacking and putting everything away. Then I took a shower, and napped. It was pretty great. Now I'm just relaxing, and putting music on my ipod. Tomorrow I'm excited because we get to go shopping with someone else's money! Granted, we're buying stuff for the Live Cafe on Thursday, but it's shopping nonetheless. Right now I'm listening to How Great Thou Art by Elvis Presley. He was such a great singer, especially of gospel.

I am so happy to be back!

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