Tuesday, November 14, 2006

one more!

okay, this is the last post tonight. I promise! (it's 4:41!!! GOSH)

God is amazing.

For like a month now, I've been unable to find my rings. I've looked pretty much everywhere, with no luck. Finally I figured that I'd left them at home last time I was there and gave up looking. Well just a little while ago I was standing at my (open) window enjoying the cold, fresh air (I LOVE FRESH AIR!) and having a conversation with God. I was just asking Him to reveal Himself to me. I was hoping for a shooting star or something. I love that God has a sense of humor, and I love that He always reveals Himself in ways that I least expect it. So I stood there for a while, with nothing. I was like well I should go to sleep. So I got all comfy in my bed, and all of a sudden it occurred to me that possibly I stuck my rings in a zippered part of a purse that I haven't used in forever. I was like no, no way. I decided to wait until I wake up later to check, because seriously what was the likelihood of that being where my rings were? All of a sudden I couldn't stand it, so I got out of bed and found the purse, and there they were! Right under my nose the whole time! I love God's sense of humor. He always reveals Himself to me in the tiniest of ways, and always when I least expect it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I imagine you must be sleeping all night tonight after your all-nighter last night! What is up with all the coffee drinking? You are too funny! At least God revealed to you where your rings were in all that time you were up and being awake with nothing to do!

Criminolgy, huh? Sounds very interesting! Not for my stomach, but someone's got to do it, so why not you?

I am starting a new blog and it will be spiritually based. I am back-sliding in my spiritual walk with God and have been dealing with much anger and frustration and have been responding in clearly the wrong way. I have been thinking about this new blog for a long time and feel it may help me to grow up spiritually. I don't like myself very much of late and it is hard for me to look in the mirror and see who I have become, so I have to start doing some real soul-searching and come back to the Source who I know can take all this away for me.

Once I am more comfortable with my new blog I will invite you to come join me on my journey.

I am proud of you making good choices regarding the boyfriend thing. You are really smart and I believe God is giving you wisdom..and strength to go through this time and arrive to the conclusions you are having!
