Monday, September 18, 2006



I just wanted to start off by pointing this out. In order to tell the story, I'll start with yesterday.

Fed up with being by myself I called Caroline to see if she wanted to hang out. She did. So she came over, we hung out in my room for a while, watched part of Breakfast at Tiffany's, and played on our (matching!) computers. It was a good time. Around 6ish, we decided to go to Target (where I got this amazing Bon Jovi shirt) before Late Nite. Then we headed over to the church after spending about 45 minutes or so in Target.

Late Nite was absolutely amazing. It was exactly what I needed to hear. Though I realize that pretty much every message is "exactly what I needed to hear." Last night's message was about leaving all your baggage behind, and traveling light when you follow Christ. As part of the service, we were given an index card to write down our "baggage" that was holding us back from fully trusting in Christ. It was a very freeing feeling to write down my baggage, and then give it over to God. After that there was just an awesome feeling of worship. I now understand why it's important to fellowship.

After the worship service, we ate. Oh how amazing was that food (and free!) We had delicious chicken, with homemade mashed potatoes!!!! oh and lets not forget the green bean casserole. It was like my favorite food night! I love it. After that we were all going to hang out and watch a movie at the BCM. Of course, I took pretty much a whole to-go box full of mashed potatoes home, and Caroline had left her laptop in my room. So on the way to the BCM we swung by my room. The minute I walked in, I could smell it. Marijuana. Caroline couldn't smell it. So I went out and quietly told my RA that I could smell it. So she came in, pretending like she was just there to say hi, and told me she couldn't smell anything. AHHH! So I was like well maybe it's just me. Oh, by the way, my roommates friend just kinda invited herself over to stay the night. So she was there when this whole thing happened. She had been there since pretty much Caroline came over. Let's just say that this particular friend is not my favorite person in the whole world. Besides being absolutely whiny, she also had the nerve to make fun of me RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! So anyway, figuring that it was just a figment of my imagination, we headed over to the BCM. One of the interns was watching a football game, and he refused to go anywhere else. Well most of us got pretty bored, so we left. When I came back, I could still smell it. I knew they had smoked in my room, I just couldn't prove it.

Fast forward to earlier today. I was sitting in class talking to my roommate via AIM, and I asked her flat out if they had smoked in my room. She told me they did!!! I knew I was right. So I told her that if she was going to smoke, that was her choice. She just couldn't do it in my room.

The point is, I was right!

Anyway. Now I'm in the library, just hanging out. I work tonight. That's not gonna be that much fun. Oh well, at least I don't have class until 2 tomorrow.

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