Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I have a weakness, and it is potatoes

ever have one of those days where you wonder why you even got out of bed?

Yup. Today is one of those days. At least it started out that way.

I decided to wear my retainers last night while I slept. That caused lots of pain this morning when I woke up. It took me almost an hour to fall asleep last night, and I woke up after 6 hours of sleep. If you know me, you know that I enjoy my sleep. Waking up before at least 8 hours means I'm going to be tired all day. So I'm tired. When I woke up it was rainy and yucky, and cold in my room. I just didn't want to be out of bed. And I especially wasn't looking forward to 3 hours of class. Yeah, yeah. I know I have it easy. Whatever. It's just one of those days.

Anyway, so when I woke up I wasn't in the best mood. I took some ibuprofen for my teeth, and now they feel better. I had mashed potatoes for breakfast. The best mashed potatoes in the world. mmm potatoes.

I'm feeling a lot better now. I'm still tired, but I made it to class. I'll be in my next class too. After that, I'll be in bed. I think what's getting me through the day is knowing that I can nap after class.

Yuck. It seems like all my classes are having tests in the same week.

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