Friday, December 14, 2007

if you are chilly, here take my sweater

I love sinus infections. I mean, seriously, who doesn't? My sinuses are all screwed up. One minute I'm all stuffy and can't breathe. The next, they're dry and painful. Also, because of this, my throat is all scratchy. The only way to make my throat feel better is by drinking hot tea. Which is fine, except I put my hot tea in my insulated Starbucks cup, which made sure that it stayed hot. I scalded my tongue and now it feels weird. Fun times.

Ah, well. Gives me an excuse to spend the night watching the CSI: Miami marathon and not feel like a bum.

I finally got all my paperwork faxed today. I have to call them tomorrow and find out how long it's going to take to find out whether I've been approved. I really should not have put this off. I hope the office is open tomorrow, otherwise I'll have to wait until Monday.


kara said...

Sinus infections suck. I don't know about CSI, though. Never saw a whole episode.

heiresschild said...

i was thinking the same thing as Kara--sinus infections suck, even though i don't have them, but my siblings and children are bothered by them. hope you're feeling better!