Sunday, June 08, 2008

I can't be bothered to miss you anymore

I'm sure you were all awaiting my return with baited breath. (All 3 of you?) Well here it is, and I can promise you that it is not very exciting. I could give a very detailed description of the events that transpired between the last post and this, but quite frankly it takes too much energy to even remember them all, let alone talk about them.

So instead I'm going to continue to eat my (entire box of) macaroni and cheese while I procrastinate studying for my German class. Luckily, there isn't a test tomorrow. Though I do have to do the homework so I can keep up.

Also, I'll talk about my Sunday so far, because I happen to love Sundays. My boss has been consistently giving me every Sunday off, so I'm appreciative for that. Sundays are busy enough without trying to fit in a four hour shift at work. Especially since joining the choir. Now I have to stay for the entire first service, and about one-third of the second service. Anyway. So I did that this morning. Actually this morning I stayed for the entirety of both services. Then I came home, made macaroni and cheese, and now I'm just sitting here. I had a point with this, and I forgot what it was. Story of my life.

I want to go to the beach.


Anonymous said...

I want to go to the beach too. But it is too far away. :)

Glad to see you are back in the swing of things. I've been trying to get my blog up and running, trying to make myself post, but I have my moments...when I get busy, don't have anything to say or don't feel like saying what I am thinking. LOL

Take care

Karin said...

Just ran across your blog, but I'll be sure to be back. Keep on keeping on. Life is short, make the best of it. Sing for the love of it. Smile because you know you'll get through it. I know exactly what it's like to feel like you've hit a rut. Get out of that funk girl! Make a change, do something different! You can, you can! Sometimes, for me it's just a little something like doing an art project, volunteering or meeting new people. I graduated from college two years ago, in college, and after, I have learned that the things I am most hesitant to do have been the best experiences of my life. Take guitar lessons or start running. Keep a note book of "moments" things that speak to you in that moment, pictures, poems, letters, quotes from your friends, your dreams, sketches.

All the best, always,

St.Paul MN