Sunday, September 23, 2007

the trick is to find something to occupy your mind

A million things to say, and yet nothing comes to mind.

This happens to me a lot, I think.

Or perhaps I'm just being dramatic. Probably both.

Today finds me making plans. All kinds of plans. Unfortunately, the biggest plan has become a non-plan (if that makes sense?) Unfortunately, having the money to do something does not mean one is able to afford it, and this is the problem facing me. I've been somewhat planning my week, focusing on the schoolwork that I need to get done. Delegating each subject to one day. That should help me to be where I need to. I need to remind myself to start working on my research paper and not letting that build up until the last possible moment. I suppose schoolwork is Plan 1. Plan 2 is tomorrow's plans: job hunting. Hopefully that goes well. I would also like to stop by the library, though I'm not really sure for what. I have quite a few books that are waiting to be read. So maybe I'll take that out of the plan. I guess the "master plan" is to create some sort of routine out of what seems to be chaos.

It seems to be a fine line I walk with this thing. If I go too long without it, I find myself slowly sinking back into a form of depression. It's not fun. The trick is having the motivation to stick with it, which I find myself losing after about a week. I'm hoping that a job will help with the motivation.

I feel like I'm rambling. I probably am. I'm tired, I think I'll sleep.


kris said...

it's hard to stick to a plan sometimes. but having one is a good place to start. sometimes you justhave to make yourself do it;)

kara said...

rambling is good for exercising the analytical capabilities.