Friday, May 11, 2007

there's a message that I'm sending out like a telegraph to your soul and if I can't bridge this distance stop this heartbreak overload

Do you ever wonder what your life would be like had you made different (or certain) choices?

For example, how would it be if I stayed with a certain person? What if I had gone to a different school? What if I never left this town?

Would I be a different person? Have a different outlook on life?

I'm glad for where I'm at, and who I am. But I wonder if I'd be here, this person, had I made different choices.

I'm sure a lot of people think about this, actually. I wonder if people think about how the choices they're making right now are going to affect their future. I've always said that if I had the ability to change things in my past that I wouldn't, because it would change who I am today. I lied. There are a few things that I'd change if I could go back. I wish I would have had some way of knowing how things would affect me in the future. Not even my life, but me personally, emotionally, psychologically. I've done so many things that damaged me and I wish I could change them. I know that in Christ I'm supposed to be a "new being." But I don't feel new. Sometimes it's hard to remember that the past doesn't matter. I don't know, just been doing a lot of thinking lately. That's probably not good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber,

Well, I did it, I deleted my blog. I just need a break and I need to get some things in my life in order. I really enjoyed getting to know you, you are a sweet young lady and I wish you will in all your endeavours. You have been so open and honest on your blog and it has given me insight on a few things regarding my own two children. I will likely start up a new blog sometime in the future and I will be around to visit yours from time to time. Take care my friend.

