Tuesday, February 20, 2007


List things that you want to say to people, but never will.
Don't say who they are.
Never discuss it again.
No particular order.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm friends with you. You can be one of the most annoying people that I've ever met.

I think you're horrible at what you do, and if I had my way you wouldn't be doing it. You're too judgemental.

I wish you'd do one of two things, either contact me and get it over with. Or move on.

Sometimes you're really shallow, and it gets kind of aggravating.

I wish we spent more time together. And I feel really bad because even though I think you're great, I'm shallow and I said some really mean things about you a while back just to fit in.

I let what other people said about you influence my opinion of you, and now I wish I could take it back.

I was really hurt when you rejected me, even though I acted like it was no big deal.

I don't think you have a chance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Amber,

Sorry, I haven't been around much lately. I have been posting and then going to bed lately. Haven't been out and about much.

I think every blogger has a different reason why they write. Some are like you and they blog for personal reasons. I am sure there are a thousand different reasons why people blog. I do think most blogs that I read are geared towards entertaining other readers.

Your friend sounds a bit annoying! I wish things were different for you with him/her.

