Monday, January 08, 2007


It's a heartbreaking time in your life when you realize that someone you thought you knew very well is not at all even remotely the person you thought they were. It's even worse when you're supposed to be a role model to them.

You start to ask yourself where you went wrong, and how you could have done better. I mean. I don't even know how to address the situation. I can't even look at this person the same. I honestly don't know what to do, it just blows my mind. This is something that I would have never expected. I know that's vague, and I don't think I'm going to give full details on here. but honestly this just makes everything so different.

please just keep me and my family in your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just checking in to say hi.

If you need someone to "talk" to, type me an email and send it my way, you know I am always here for you to listen. Sounds kind of deep, what you are going through.

How is college this semester?
